Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to see the engine power with a hub dyno? 

Yes it is. While doing the coast down, Dynolyze hub dyno measures the powertrain losses so it can calculate the engine power and torque You can choose if you want to view the power/torque from the engine or from the hubs. But you must also understand that dyno can measure only free rolling resistance so it is not absolutely the same power / torque we see on an engine dyno, but it is the closest we can get. And that is enough to remove the variables (like transmission oil temperature changes) that would affect on our results and that is one of the things why the repeatability of the dyno is excellent. 

Do I need water, oil or pressured air?

No you do not need. Dynolyze hub dynos have eddy current brakes and they only require electricity to operate. The brakes are air cooled so you don’t need anything extra to cool them down. 

Does it take much time to attach the car to the dyno?

The first thing in mind you might have is that it is time-consuming to connect the car to the hub dyno. In some cases, it might be faster to use the roller dyno, but with a hub dyno you don’t have to strap the car. It is bolted to the hubs and needs no strapping. (except some really powerful drag racing cars might need a frontal strap to prevent wheelie). 

With a roller dyno you might also need to jack up the car and change tires before the run if it is a race car that has some sort of special tires (like a rally car gravel tires or so) and with chiptuning up in the North where there are winter tires being used. 

So in the end, if you tune a car or two in a day, there is really no difference in the use of time when connecting the car to roller dyno vs hub dyno. 

Do I need to make time for initialization or buy installation services to make my dyno running for the first time?

No, with our hub dynos you do not need to make any installations or assemblys. The basic package that we sell is a ready to use package including everything you need to start. The brake hubs and the computer booth are on wheels so you do not need any permanent installations. Just get them out of the packages, plug in and start driving. Even the software is installed and ready to use 

Is hub dyno accurate?

Hub dyno has significantly less inertia when comparing to roller dyno. The rolling mass on a roller dyno is high, so it is not able to change the accelation rate very fast and thatfilters” and hides the fast changes. Also the tyres act like little flywheels, let alone they can be a huge variable when driving on a roller dyno, the deformation and temperature will affect on the result. For that reason the data that you get from the hub dyno can be more informative compared to roller dyno. Of course the data acquisition system has to be done in a proper way to accomplish that, fast and not too filtered.

Hub vs. roller dyno safety

With a hub dyno there is no risk of a blown tire or a snapped strap. The driving speed on the dyno can be really high and not all the tires are rated for that. And with some racing tires it is even impossible to drive safely on the rollers, so bolting to the hubs is the only option with those cars.